Glenn Patterson
Writer: Books, Films, Other Stuff
Glenn Patterson was born, and lives, in Belfast.
A writer of fiction, non-fiction, of scripts for stage and screen, and a founding patron of Fighting Words Northern Ireland, he is Director of the Seamus Heaney Centre at Queen's University, Belfast.
Best True-Crime Podcast (Irish Podcast Awards, 2022)
Prix Europa Special Commendation (2021)
Heimbold Visiting Chair of Irish Studies, Villanova University (2016)
Writers' Guild of Ireland Best Script (with Colin Carberry, 2013)
Ireland Fund Artist-in-Residence St Michael's College, University of Toronto (2013)
Dinard Film Festival Script Award (with Colin Carberry, 2012)
The Mill for Grinding Old People Young was Belfast’s first ‘One City One Book’ selection (2012)
Lannan Foundation Literary Fellowship (2008/9)
Elected to Aosdána 2007
Arts Council of Northern Ireland Major Individual Artist Award (2006)
Rooney Prize for Irish Literature (1988)
Betty Trask Award (1988)
Arts Council of Northern Ireland Award (1988)